Parents Association | Parents | DIA Emirates Hills | Dubai, U.A.E

Parents Association


All DIA parents are valued members of the Parent Association, with a dedicated core group of volunteers and elected leaders working tirelessly to organize events and spearhead initiatives that benefit students, parents, and staff. Meeting regularly throughout the year, they foster a strong sense of community and inspire meaningful parental engagement.


What do we do?

PADIA plays a vital role in fostering a connected and supportive school community. Through events like parent coffees with informative guest speakers, the Winter Souk, International Evening, movie nights, and bake sales, they bring families together. PADIA also offers valuable initiatives, such as a pre-loved uniform and textbook shop, a welcoming programme for new families, and open communication channels with school leadership through dedicated parent representatives.

In This Section




Get in touch

Whether you are new to the school, or are an old-timer looking to give back to the community, meet other parents, or just get involved, please drop us a note at or connect with us via Facebook
