Fee Structure 2022-23 | Admissions | DIA Emirates Hills | Dubai, U.A.E

Fee Structure 2022-23

Our fee structure conforms with the regulations of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) of the UAE.

Payments can be made using any of the following methods:
  1. Online: Please go to https://payment.innoventureseducation.com/diaeh/online/ payment portal. To login, use your child’s student ID and date of birth detail
  2. Transfer: Bank Transfer-details are as follows:
    Account Name Dubai International Academy
    Account No. 010493150923
    IBAN No. AE860330000010493150923
    Swift Code   BOMLAEAD
    Bank  Mashreq Bank
    Branch   Riqa, Dubai, UAE
  3. By Cheque:  Cheques to be made payable to Dubai International Academy
    (Please mention your Child’s ID #, Name and Grade on the back of the cheque)
    Cheques can be handed in person at the Accounts Office in RIS or dropped into the Cheque Drop Boxes  located at reception.
     Please note that we will also accept post-dated cheques for Term 2 & Term 3 fee Payments. 
  4. By credit card at Raffles International School premises.
  5. Online payment – link for online payments will be emailed to you shortly.
  6. In cash (please remember to collect duly signed and stamped receipt for your payment)

Very Important: In case of Bank Transfer, please mention Child’s ID, Name, School Name in the bank transfer and send us a copy of remittance/transfer advise/swift message to accounts@diadubai.com to enable us to timely update our records.

Fees 2022 - 2023

Schedule A - Fee schedule for academic year 2022-2023 for Existing Students
Year Group Annual fEE* Annual Re-enrollment Fee-Advance payment Balance Term 1 Fee (after adjusting Registration fee) Term 2 Fee  Term 3 Fee
Year Level  

Payable 15 Apr 2022

Payable 01 Sep 2022 Payable 01 Jan 2023 Payable 01 Apr 2023
KG1 40,988 0 16,394 12,297 12,297
KG2 46,225 2,310 16,177 13,869 13,869
Year 1 46,658 2,330 16,332 13,998 13,998
Year 2 52,838 2,640 18,494 15,852 15,852
Year 3 52,838 2,640 18,494 15,852 15,852
Year 4 52,838 2,640 18,494 15,852 15,852
Year 5 52,838 2,640 18,494 15,852 15,852
Year 6 52,838 2,640 18,494 15,852 15,852
Year 7 59,436 2,970 20,802 17,832 17,832
Year 8 59,436 2,970 20,802 17,832 17,832
Year 9 59,436 2,970 20,802 17,832 17,832
Year 10 66,051 3,300 23,121 19,815 19,815
Year 11 66,051 3,300 23,121 19,815 19,815
Year 12 72,625 3,630 25,417 21,789 21,789
Year 13 72,625 3,630 25,417 21,789 21,789

* Fees for 2022-2023 subject to revision as approved by KHDA, in line with the School Fees Framework issued by the Executive Council in Dubai and the Educational Cost Index (ECI) as determined by the Dubai Statistics Center (DSC)


Schedule B - Fee schedule for academic year 2022-2023 for New Students #
Year Group Annual fEE* Annual Re-enrollment Fee-Advance payment Balance Term 1 Fee (after adjusting Registration fee) Term 2 Fee  Term 3 Fee
Year Level  


Payable 01 Sep 2022 Payable 01 Jan 2023 Payable 01 Apr 2023
KG1 40,988 4,100 12,294 12,297 12,297
KG2 46,225 4,625 13,862 13,869 13,869
Year 1 46,658 4,665 13,997 13,998 13,998
Year 2 52,838 5,285 15,849 15,852 15,852
Year 3 52,838 5,285 15,849 15,852 15,852
Year 4 52,838 5,285 15,849 15,852 15,852
Year 5 52,838 5,285 15,849 15,852 15,852
Year 6 52,838 5,285 15,849 15,852 15,852
Year 7 59,436 5,945 17,827 17,832 17,832
Year 8 59,436 5,945 17,827 17,832 17,832
Year 9 59,436 5,945 17,827 17,832 17,832
Year 10 66,051 6,605 19,816 19,815 19,815
Year 11 66,051 6,605 19,816 19,815 19,815
Year 12 72,625 7,265 21,782 21,789 21,789
Year 13 72,625 7,265 21,782 21,789 21,789

* Fees for 2022-2023 subject to revision as approved by KHDA, in line with the School Fees Framework issued by the Executive Council in Dubai and the Educational Cost Index (ECI) as determined by the Dubai Statistics Center (DSC)

# new students joining in 2022-2023
  • Entrance Test Fees - 525AED - One-off payment, prior to taking the test, prior to admission to DIA, adjustable against Term 1 fees (Including 5% VAT) - Non-refundable
  • Annual Re-enrollment fee (Advance Payment for existing Students) - 5% of Annual Fees - Annual payment, adjusted against Term 1 fees - Non-refundable
  • Annual Enrollment fee (Advance Payment for New Students joining in 2022-2023) - 10% of Annual Fees - Annual payment, adjusted against Term 1 fees - Non-refundable
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) - 4,500AED - Annual payment made when student starts ESL. If student requires ESL (determined by DIA teachers) then this is a condition of admission - Non-refundable
  • Sibling discount - % of annual fees - 10% for the fourth child onwards
Schedule C - Additional Costs
  • Stationery
  • Educational and field trips that may be organized from time to time may incur additional costs which will be intimated on a case by case basis. Fees payable for such trips will be payable separately to all other fees.
  • Voluntary excursions or sports tournaments in which costs are incurred
  • School uniforms; Team kits and other necessary sporting attire or auxiliary items
  • External Examination Fee
  • Meals
  • Transportation
  • Other activities for which costs accrue to the school
  • Insurance: It is suggested that parents maintain health, accident and liability insurance for their children
  • All textbooks required by secondary school students can be purchased from RIS at cost price. Parents could buy all books from the school but also have the option of buying them independently. It is however, mandatory for all the students to own all books specified for the school curriculum for 2022-2023
  • Some of the above items are available from independent suppliers and are subject to their respective terms and conditions for refund.


KHDA School Fee Framework

In This Section



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